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Better Packages offers the largest variety of water-activated tape dispensers and packing products in the industry.
Find a dispenser model or product that best suits your company’s carton sealing and packing needs.
Water-activated tape (also known as WAT, Kraft tape, paper tape, or gummed tape) is a professional grade, secure tape that businesses use to seal cartons. Options include reinforced paper packing tape to help seal heavy packages.
Water-activated tape creates a permanent bond with corrugated cardboard cartons, which also effectively prevents package pilfering. From a brand impression, perspective, packages with water-activated tape looks clean and professional.
Used together with Better Pack tape dispensers, the packing process becomes safer, easier, and more efficient. Small to large companies can experience business-changing benefits by sealing their cartons with Better Pack tape dispensers and water-activated tape.
Not sure which tape dispenser is right for your business? Take the quick quiz to find the right fit: