TT-400 Vertical CartonerHigh Speed – High Efficiency

The TT-400 is a continuous motion vertical carton filling machine that can reach speeds of up to 750 CPM. It is available with MemoryTrack for computer scale interface or with Patented UltraTrack high-speed volumetric cup filler that provides no-carton/no-product, no-product/no-carton functionality.

Características principales

  • Huella compacta
  • Quick & Easy Changeovers
  • Versatile Design
  • Servo Control
  • Stainless Steel Frame
Carton filling is accomplished by utilizing patented volumetric cup fillers, computer scale, or auger interface. The TT-400 is available with a high-speed laser printer, integrated metal detector, check weigher, and open flap detection and rejection system.


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Candy Packing


Candy  ●  Gum  ●  Pouches  ●  Stick-Pouches  ●  Free-Flowing Products

TT-400 Product Applications


Tipo Top Load Cartoner
MODO Continuous motion
CARTON POCKET CENTER 4,6,8,10,12, or 16 inches
VELOCIDAD Variable to 750 CPM, depending and application
CARTON FEED 48+” powered magazine with rotary carton erector
CIERRE DE CAJAS DE CARTÓN Straight or reverse tuck, hot or cold glue, tooling for special carton styles
CARTON FILLING Patented volumetric cup fillers; computer scale or auger interface
MARCO Welded tubular stainless steel; lexan cover panels with stainless steel frames and safety interlocks
CONDUCIR Servo driven with line shaft
MANDOS Allen Bradley PLC, components, alphanumeric self-diagnostic
AJUSTES Husillos de avance con referencias de escala calibradas
Dimensiones Request specific model floor plan
POWER REQUIREMENTS Cableado para adaptarse a los requisitos eléctricos de sus plantas
AIR REQUIREMENTS Aprox. 6.5 CFM 60 psi
TOOLING Available for tuck, glue and special carton styles